Season 1, Episode 5: Charity Has Two Functions

The Academy of Music Recap (0:06): The original broadcast had a recap of the previous episode, and it was the “cherry on top of my Delmonico souffle” to see myself conducting the orchestra at the Academy of Music, although this time with underscoring by the Gregson-Williams Brothers. At this point in the series, it is the fourth time the Academy of Music has been discussed or seen. I point this out to underscore the critical role music played in both the series and historically. The recap ends with a hit on the timpani from last episode’s orchestra scene.


The Academy of Music - 5th Time Discussed (10:46): This scene is a conversation between Marian Brook and Aurora Fane that starts with discussing a trip to see Clara Barton speak about the Red Cross, and then moves on to a luncheon for introducing Bertha Russell to Ward McAllister. 

Marian asks (11:51):

Marian Brook: “I wonder if you’d invite Mr. Raikes.”

Aurora Fane: “Mr. Raikes? Is he the handsome one we met at the Academy?”

This scene again underlines the importance the Academy of Music played socially in 1882.

Academy of Music in the 1850s.